While the Sailing World Championships is nothing new, the upcoming 2018 edition is creating much excitement among the organizers as well as those who would be sending teams to participate in the events.

This championship series is set up in collaboration with different organizations like Dansk Sejlunion, World Sailing, City of Aarhus, Sailing Aarhus and Sport Event Denmark. These parties work together in making the event a big success for the different Olympic boat classes.
For the forthcoming edition in 2018 there is a goal set for a new record of having more than 100 nations participate. It is set to attract spectators from the different participating nations and hence Denmark as well as the bay of Aarhus is being prepared for such audience accordingly. Spectators and sailors can expect a new level of standards in this championship series. It is being organized in a way that sailors as well as their traveling companions can have an enjoyable time together and have a wonderful experience, both on land as well as on sea.
This championship series happens every four years and it is definitely one of the largest sailing events that take place where all the ten Olympic boat categories are present for sailors to participate in. National places as in the forthcoming Olympic Games would be distributed which would start at this venue. Hence, those who are dreaming about participating in the Olympic Games forthcoming in 2020 in Tokyo would see a start at this sailing event. Kitesurfing is a new event that is also being added to the World Championships series of 2018.
The championship series will start from August 2018. This championship series is considered to be second only to the Olympics and is important for all the different boat classes. This championship event is held every four years and comes in between the Olympic Games.