Ingvall Unveiled His 100-Footer

Ludde Ingvall did a major modification in his yacht when it came out from boat builder’s shed.

The yacht of Ingvall was 90 feet and after modification it became the 100 foot striking super maxi. The modification of yacht took place in Tauranga of New Zealand and the entire modification work was undertaken with the help of Sir Michael Hintze.

It took nearly one year for Ingvall to modify his conventional yacht, but yachtsman who had done round the world sailing and also a world champion transformed its straight yacht to super maxi.

The new remodeled yacht has got its new name and now it is re-named as CQS. Continue reading Ingvall Unveiled His 100-Footer

Fair Winds Celebrates Her 60th Birthday

Fair Winds is sixty years old and the birthday of this beautiful timber yacht was celebrated by its owners Mark Chew and his wife Sally Ann Balharries with great pomp and style. The birthday was celebrated at the Sealink Magnetic Island Race Week. This yacht is always admired by people wherever it goes.

This Philip Rhodes designed yacht receives a lot of adulations and everyone wants to get on board to take a look at this beauty. Chew loves that his boat is getting all the attention. Chew is the fourth owner of this 13 meter classic yacht. Chew said that he saw this yacht for sale at the Trader Boat. He went to Auckland for a holiday in 2002 and fell in love with the boat when he had boarded it. He immediately bought Fair Winds and sailed back to his hometown Melbourne. Continue reading Fair Winds Celebrates Her 60th Birthday

LMAX Exchange’s crew meet their clients

Fintech company LMAX Exchange’s yacht squad never missed a scope to network. LMAX Exchange, presently leading Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, was on the 3rd to dock in Qingdao, in China, earlier this week. They are using their time in the city to catch up with the foreign clients of the firm.
The company asked a select group of eighty clients from the place to meet and sail with the skipper along with the whole racing crew. Fintech execs allured the clients to a formal business meet on Monday with call of a tour of the ship as well as a scope to experience life on the high ocean.
David Mercer, the LMAX Exchange chief, who became a part of the racing crew at the beginning of this year on their journey from Sydney, in Australia, used the team’s win to convince clients from private equity companies that his company is all about success.
He stated that they are very serious regarding success and ambition. Asia is a great market for their business and with many significant clients based in the region, they felt that this might be a fitting place to celebrate the success of Team LMAX Exchange along with their valued clients in such an inspirational and unique way.
The Qingdao stopover of the Clipper race marks the end of race 8 of the fourteen stage worldwide challenge. The next race to Seattle will set sail on Sunday, taking teams around six-thousand miles through the Pacific Ocean. The seafarers will come back to the St Katherine Docks later in July.